Ecclesiasticus 6:5–17

5 Sweet words will multiply a man’s friends. A gracious tongue will multiply courtesies. 6 Let those that are at peace with you be many, but your advisers one of a thousand. 7 If you want to gain a friend, get him in a time of testing, and don’t be in a hurry to trust him. 8 For there is a friend just for an occasion. He won’t continue in the day of your affliction. 9 And there is a friend who turns into an enemy. He will discover strife to your reproach. 10 And there is a friend who is a companion at the table, but he won’t continue in the day of your affliction. 11 In your prosperity he will be as yourself, and will be bold over your servants. 12 If you are brought low, he will be against you, and will hide himself from your face. 13 Separate yourself from your enemies, and beware of your friends. 14 A faithful friend is a strong defense. He who has found him has found a treasure. 15 There is nothing that can be taken in exchange for a faithful friend. His excellency is beyond price. 16 A faithful friend is a life-saving medicine. Those who fear the Lord will find him. 17 He who fears the Lord directs his friendship properly; for as he is, so is his neighbor also.